Review: Malachi and Company Clothing Update — SyncWear T-shirt

by James Bain Apr 04, 2007

Some time ago I reviewed the Malachi and Company’s PodWear ProActive t-shirt (read it here!).

One thing that I noticed at the time was that the PodWear shirts (then) tended to be a bit tight in the fit—a large felt like others’ mediums and their extra larges felt like others’ larges. I didn’t make much of a point of it in the article, figuring that one too many BBQs that summer might have resulted in me giving a false estimate there, but I made a comment to the company and left it at that. In addition, in my review I mentioned that the nature of the PodWear pocket meant that larger iPods, such as my then (and now recently demised) 60Gb Video iPod, bounced around too much to make the shirt that wearable with them. Despite that, I said, as I maintain now, that it was a great and comfortable t-shirt for owners of flash iPods.

So, why do I mention this review now? Well, Malachi and Company sent me an update. A little while back I got a package in the mail from the company with their NEW shirt, the SyncWear, and while I can say that it’s not a quantum step up from the PodWear, it’s a very good and strong incremental improvement on the PodWear line. Version 1.5 if you will. Oh, and part of this upgrade was their moving from the PodWear’s functional black and white versions to a far more stylish array of black, navy blue, and deep red.

But it wasn’t the improved flat stitching, adjusted tailoring, roomier fit, trendy colours, or new 3-in-1 side pocket that keeps your earphones, keys, and iPod from rubbing each other to dust that got my attention. No, it was that they, the company, actually responded to my comment about the shirt’s fit, and sent me a letter with the t-shirt specifically addressing my previous concern. As well, they explained that though this version of the SyncWear was still for flash iPods only, they were actively working on a version that could hold larger hard drive based iPods as well.

They remembered, cared, and responded. Well done!

Companies will release product after product and there will be changes, one version after another hopefully, as products mature and improve, but in all this it’s the companies that don’t change their underlying ethos or cultures of quality that makes their first product good and their next product good and so forth. I’m sure we can all think of a few like that!

Well, add Malachi and Company to the list. Though you may not be looking for a workout shirt to carry your iPod around in right now, you certainly won’t go wrong checking their site and their offerings. If not the SyncWear now, then their next shirt later because you can be sure that whatever they put out with this fine attention to detail will be truly splendid indeed.



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