Top 10 Outrageous Apple News Stories For 2006

Looking back over these past 3 months I have felt a strong disturbance in the Force. Going back to January and reviewing popular news stories …(read more)

Apple to Split into Apple Computer & Apple Electronics

Remember back when the US government tried to split Microsoft apart? They wanted the company to be divided (at the very least) into two separate …(read more)

The Mac Paradox

The first paradox most physics students are introduced to is Schrödinger’s cat. The gedanken experiment proceeds as follows: imagine a cat in a box with …(read more)

Apple in 2006

Like most Apple years, 2006 is shaping up to be an eventful one.  The Intel transition is working out, people are watching videos on their …(read more)

Windows on Mac - What Does It Mean?

Windows running on a Mac? “God forbid!” the purists might say. But it’s happened and the flood gates are open, thanks to two elite geeks, …(read more)

Five Biggest Apple Mistakes

Apple is hitting on all cylinders lately, people are enthused about OS X and the switch to Intel. While the iPod, it almost goes without …(read more)

Apple Computer = Simple Computer

With computers being very much at the forefront of businesses and homes these days, I think it’s essential that things are kept simple in order …(read more)

Leaving on a Jet Plane, or A Reason to be Jealous of our Windows Neighbors

This week we’re packing our bags and heading south for the annual trek to my parents’ house - to drop off the kids and head …(read more)

The Upgrade Trap

Every time new Macs are released, it’s easy to forget that we are dealing with some serious horsepower. Apart from that, they’re shiny, sexy, and …(read more)

Microsoft’s iTunes Killer: Origami

Most are familiar with the marketing story behind Origami: a cryptic website, rumors and mass internet speculation on just what, and how cool, the thing …(read more)

10.5 Acres Means Apple Is Planning on Going Huge

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, on a camping trip, awoke in the middle of the night to a stiff, cold breeze. Holmes, as was his …(read more)

Mac mini: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Apple Store

The dust is settling, the zomboids who never intended to buy a Mac mini in the first place, and yet had the audacity to say …(read more)