How Airport Express Saved My Marriage

For what seemed like forever I had been trying to convince my wife that we needed to buy an Airport Express. For one thing, there’s …(read more)

The Apple Store - No Place for Kids

If you’re like me - a father of three who lives in the suburbs and wonders how the heck he got to be 41 without …(read more)

Part 1: What if Microsoft Never Existed?

This piece is the first in a series of articles that seeks to answer two basic questions: Where would the computing world be if Microsoft …(read more)

The Best Software Selection Is on the Mac

We Mac users are significantly more spoiled than users of any other platform. We have the best selection of quality applications of any OS. Sure, …(read more)

A Return to Apple’s Orchard

I admittedly had gone astray from the Apple of my youth. While I grew up on all things Apple, and came from a household where …(read more)

Apple: The iPod Company That Happens to Make Computers? The Numbers Say “Yes”

When Apple released their results for the first quarter of 2006 people oohed and ahhed over the number of iPods sold while fretting mightily over …(read more)

How much longer before everything is digital?

An interesting thing happened to me as I was driving to a Super Bowl party Sunday night. [Author’s note: For you non-American readers out there …(read more)

Roll Your Own TV Schedule: Apple’s Big Chance

As all but the most die-hard Mac fans will admit, the OS war between Apple and Microsoft is over. The truth is that Apple was …(read more)

Men are from PCs, women are from Macs

Women aren’t like men. Or so I’ve heard, because I’m not one afterall - I’m a bloke, Chris. And advertisers seem to know this about …(read more)

Apple’s One Button MacBook Pro Mistake

When the Intel powered MacBook Pros were revealed, the first thing everyone wanted to know was how the performance compared to the most recent generation …(read more)

The ThinkPad Who Came To Dinner

We were an Apple house. A house filled with Mac goodness. My wife and I, typing away on matching PowerBooks while the kids bang on …(read more)

That Damn Ad

There is a large group of Mac fans that remain constantly befuddled as to why Apple doesn’t advertise the Mac on TV. The days of …(read more)