/SYS/Deepthought starting up...
/SYS/error>word limit
skipping to summary...
Summary: basically, just go to the aple site, click on getamac tab, read, or compare apple support to windows support (check software AND hardware, if they support support forums).
Deepthought error>Meaning>accident and surprise: no idea what macintosh is tries it out and finds simplicity
/SYS/replace>no idea what macintosh is>accidently loads macintosh,
Fixed text: Meaning>accident and surprise: accidently loads macintosh, tries it out and finds simplicity
Deepthought system startup. Process: Apple and Microsoft About: Possibility of Apple pre-installing windows
/SYS/switch to outcome mode
Outcome: Possible
Why: system switch
Meaning: Human nature.
/SYS/error>bad explanation
/SYS/repeat last question
Meaning: Curiosity and surprise, accident and surprise, anger and surprise
/SYS/error>bad explanation
/SYS/Question last answer
Meaning>Curiosity and surprise: no idea what macintosh is tries it out and finds simplicity
Meaning>accident and surprise: no idea what macintosh is tries it out and finds simplicity
Meaning>anger and surprise: no idea what macintosh is tries it out and finds simplicity
Deepthought system startup.
Process: Zune; AKA: 'ipod killer'
About: possibility of 'Zune' replacing 'iPod'
/SYS>switch to outcome mode
Outcome: Not likely
Why: No originality
Comfirmation: No
/SYS>repeat last question
Why: no one acually knows anything real on 'microsoft Zune'
items found: longhorn
Meaning: Zune will be delayed for approximately 5 Years, by which time will undergo a name change, competition (iPod) will come out with newer models with more features, and manufacturers will have a way to show you every single feature, by wich time most 'technogeeks' will be: A) bored with it, B) mad at its flaws, or C) if it has a way to connect to the internet, had written viruses for it.*
*only if there is a way to get the entire system.
How Microsoft Will Die
How Microsoft Will Die
How Microsoft Will Die
How Microsoft Will Die
What If Apple Did Sell Macs with Windows Pre-installed?
What If Apple Did Sell Macs with Windows Pre-installed?
Zune, The iPod Killer That Never Was