We need a real ebook reader that works and is better and priced no worse than the iRex Iliad. My realistic ideal is:
- size of a trade paperback
- one day battery life
- can allow any PDF, HTML, Pages, KeyNote, PPT files to be read (at least)
- it should have basic iPod abilities
- it should be at least 40GB storage
- it should have a reasonably high-res, color screen
- it should be able to highlight text and keep basic handwritten notes (annotate and bookmark anything)
- it does NOT need to do handwriting recognition but it would be nice if it worked well
- it should NOT lock me into a DRM for any content I want to add to it, i.e. let me put any of my own files on it.
If there is access to an iTunes-like store that would allow me to buy articles from journals, newspapers, chapters of OReilly texts, legal briefs, whatever, great. But don't tie me to the store and I MUST own whatever I download. Not interested in reading long fiction myself but YMMV... we really need a document delivery revolution for all the paid content that is out there but is largely impossibly expensive to get or too hard to find. It is nuts that a song costs .99 but a 1-2 page article from a newspaper or journal can cost 9.99 or more... clearly something is wrong in this picture...
What Would You Do With An iTablet?