I think we are all missing the point. Who are Microsoft's customers? No, not you and I. Microsoft's customers are PC manufacturers. They make most of ther money from pre-installed versions of Windows. So how do you keep your customers happy? Help them sell computers! Vista is not about selling copies of an operating system (I think that is what we are realizing here). Vista is about selling new hardware. EVENTUALLY, it will work at doing that. In the mean time it is up to Apple to pick up as much business as they can.
OK, I just have to get this out there... in case it happens.
The return of HyperCard! Using the new Core Animation and years of work with FileMaker, HyperCard will visually display database information like your iPhoto images, your iTunes information (album art, etc.) your contacts etc. in a 3D file card "filp through" effect (turn off 3D with a click if you prefer the "flat" look).
Of course, make it easy to create your own "stacks" of information on whatever you please. Leave enough out for a logical upgrade to the iWork version of FileMaker (note, no PRO), and enough out of FileMaker to make the Pro version a valid stand alone aplication.
Good idea, huh?
OK, super simple...
A "variant" to help OS9ers to latch on to OS X. Just make it look and act like OS9 with a single user setting (with the nice shadows.)
Then, let me have likable Aqua and Panther metal to choose from and we'll all be happy. Right?
Dare I suggest a Windoze varient to attract the switchers? Naw.. that's going TOO far!
Vista Helping OS X
Predicting MacWorld by Looking Backwards
Panther: All Metal All The Time