X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
iLife ‘08: Part 1 - iPhoto - a Bounty of Surprises
The next iteration of iLife finally arrived last week, and it provides many great improvements beyond those advertised by Apple. Over the next few weeks …(read more)
eMusic: Digital Music As It Should Be
Let me introduce you to the most innovative music service available on the Internet. It’s called eMusic. This company has a revolutionary idea—allow people to …(read more)
Review: iFrogz Tadpole Bundles and iFrogz Bundles
I find it worthwhile to do review updates, particularly when a company does something new or different with their products. A new version, for example, …(read more)
Review: Axio Fuse Hardpack
I spent some time ago reviewing a variety of ruggedized cases for small electronics, iPods, PDAs, even cell phones and cameras. There are two different …(read more)
Review: Everki Fling Light 13” Laptop Sling Pack
Laptop bags come in a variety of price points. There are the $20 “giveaway” bags that you’d be best off just using as lunch containers, …(read more)
Review Part 2 of 2: The iPhone
Thursday initiated the start of my review of Apple’s iPhone which surely has been anticipated by some of you. This post will wrap up my …(read more)
Airport Extreme N - The New Hotness
Moving to California has caused me some interesting issues when setting up my wireless network. Previously, in Portland, we had no issues with our router …(read more)
Review: Elgato’s turbo.264
There are three types of things in my world: things I am sure I do not need, things I’m not sure I need, and things …(read more)
Review Part 1 of 2: The iPhone
Six months of waiting, uncertainty, and hype but now it’s finally here. The iPhone. Apple’s newest cell phone will make waves in the mobile market …(read more)
Review: SeV Gear Management Solutions Hidden Cargo Shorts
These shorts are actually an iPod case as well as a Tamagotchi, Laguiole pocket knife, Subaru car keys, Sabatier Mariner’s knife, and Motorola RAZR case. …(read more)
Review: Tom Bihn’s Empire Builder Bag
It’s called the “Empire Builder” and my two word review, to misquote Charlotte’s Web, is: “Some Bag!” From time to time a product comes my …(read more)
Review: Mophie Bevy
Bussing to work the other day, I saw hanging in the window of an Asian-themed grocery store an advertisement for something I never ever thought …(read more)