March 4, 1994: Well, How Do You Like Them Apples…er, Newtons

Apple had high hopes for the Newton but when the product was introduced the reception was tepid at best. The reasons were obvious: the Newton's …(read more)

March 3, 1985: LaserWriter Launched

If you ask the average Mac fan why the Mac is still around when so many others have fallen by the wayside, they'll likely spout …(read more)

March 2, 1987: A Modular Mac…Now with Color!

The original Mac had several shortcomings. The best way to address these shortcomings was left to Jean-Louis Gassee. Starting with the file server from the …(read more)

March 1, 1982: Take this Job and Shove It

In the first quarter of 1979, Mike Markkula asked Jef Raskin what kind of machine he could build for $500. Raskin retorted that there wasn't …(read more)

February 28, 1989: The Middle Stanza?

Name a company “Apple Computer” and you're likely to anger the Beatles label: "Apple records." Following the inevitable lawsuit, you'll agree to give them an …(read more)

February 27, 1998: Out, Out Damned Newton

You can't tell by looking at them but they are out there: hardcore Newton fans. The Newton, many people will remember, was a personal digital …(read more)

February 26, 1982: Sign Here, Please

There is an oft-retold example of Steve Jobs' obsession with aesthetics that unravels as follows: seeing the original Mac's motherboard, Steve thought the design looked …(read more)

February 25, 1981: Black Wednesday

If you work for a large corporation and are called into the President's office you're likely confused. Are you about to be promoted? Fired? You …(read more)

February 24, 1955: Is the Planet Ready for Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs, rightly or wrongly, is the public face of Apple and has been since the beginning. The charismatic leader co-founded the company and was …(read more)

February 22, 1979: Mr. Smith Goes to Apple

Apple has produced more than its fair share of innovations over the years, the original Mac interface being one of the most obvious. More innovative …(read more)

February 23, 1973: Hitting the Clock Like a Regular Fella

Steve Wozniak may be a well-heeled philanthropist and world-renowned tinkerer, but at one time, he had a Joe job as an engineer in Hewlett-Packard's calculator …(read more)

February 21, 1981: ChiatDay Buys Regis McKenna (Apple Comes Along for the Ride)

Apple's relationship with Chiat\Day is well documented. Pundits ebb and flow about the efficacy of the commercials produced by Chiat\Day but Chiat\Day and Steve Jobs …(read more)