February 8, 1998: Flaming Escargot!

If you're an Apple fan it is often difficult to decide just who the competition is. Is Apple competing against the operating system made by …(read more)

February 7, 1981: A Plane Ride Gives a New Perspective to Woz

Apple went public and Steve Wozniak found himself in a position he had not imagined a scant few years earlier: he was suddenly a millionaire …(read more)

February 6: 1981: Q: “What Time Is It?” A: “I Have No Idea, I Use an Apple III.”

The Apple III had been out since November and while it was positioned as a powerful business computer, it was in actuality, one of the …(read more)

February 5, 1996: Amelio Takes the Helm

When sports teams are underperforming they get rid of the coach, when businesses are underperforming they get rid of the President. The decision to fire …(read more)

February 4, 1997: Apple Buys NeXT

Take a large software company and tell it to create a new OS from scratch and you are in serious trouble. At this point most …(read more)

February 3, 1986: Divorce, Mogul Style

Here's a situation many of us can identify with: You're getting divorced, the spouse wants their well-deserved cut of the partnership and you're a little …(read more)

February 2, 1996: From Corporate Hero to Corporate Zero

When an up and coming company appears on the cover of a magazine it is generally a good thing. When an established company wildly outperforms …(read more)

February 1, 1981: No More Typewriters!

Apple computer's list of either perceived or real competitors is long and colorful. For example, when the Mac debuted, IBM was clearly the heavy, a …(read more)

January 31, 2005: Shuffle Launched

Everything is useless until Steve Jobs sees a use for it. After publicly deriding flash based mp3 players by calling them "end up in a …(read more)

January 30, 1996: SUNny Days Ahead?

In 2006, Apple may be a cash flush business with profitable computer and iPod lines adding fuel to the corporate coffers but that wasn't always …(read more)

January 29, 1994: IBM Goes Mac?

Michael Spindler was strongly opposed to the notion of licensing Macs. Well, at least he was opposed to the idea until he announced that Apple …(read more)

January 28, 1986: Have Your Lawyers Call My Lawyers…

What do you do after ousting one of the founders of the company, if you are Apple Computer? Why, you sue the bejeezus out of …(read more)