January 27, 1996: Memo to Apple Fans: Things Aren’t Going So Great…

When the CEO of Apple Computers starts sending out open letters to reassure the faithful, you know times aren't going that smoothly corporately speaking. Show …(read more)

January 26, 1997: Is Be NeXT?

Jean-Louis Gassee is a savvy businessman. Foreseeing the problems that would develop with Apple's next generation operating system, codenamed Copland, he resigned from Apple and …(read more)

January 25, 2003: What, You Want Money for Software?

iLife is a staple of the Macintosh and one of the most compelling reasons to use OS X. Yet only long-time Mac fans remember that …(read more)

January 24, 1984: Hello

Apple is defined by a secondary project, one that Steve Jobs wanted to kill and later demanded to control. The project is, of course, the …(read more)

January 23, 1982: Bill Gates Knows a Good Thing When He Sees It

Steve Jobs knew that for the Mac to be successful it would need third-party developers, and the most crucial third-party developer in the late pre-Macintosh …(read more)

January 22, 1984: Why 1984 Won’t Be Like…Ah, You Know the Rest

If there was one memorable thing about 1984 it was Jim Plunkett hooking up with Cliff Branch on a twelve-yard TD en route to one …(read more)

January 21, 2002: Lampshade iMac Released

The original iMac was a monster hit, but so was the Model T. After the iMac’s initial popularity began to ebb, Apple saw the need …(read more)

January 20, 1985: Apple Goes to the Well One Too Many Times

The original Apple Super Bowl commercial, 1984, was an unquestionable success. Less remembered was the effort Apple made to catch lightening in a bottle a …(read more)

January 19, 1983: Lisa Comes Out

The Apple II is the computer that made Apple highly profitable, but it was the Lisa that made Apple revolutionary. Unfortunately, while the Lisa represents …(read more)

January 18, 2001: Dual G4 Chips Arrive

Comparing the clock speed of two radically different chips and coming to a conclusion about their performance isn't the most accurate metric in the history …(read more)

January 17, 1999: Transfers Go High Speed

FireWire has been dropped from the iPod much to chagrin of some Mac aficionados. Yet when it was first introduced, FireWire was an absolute necessity …(read more)

January 16, 1997: 7.6 Brings a Taste of Obsolescence

Mac OS 7.6 was the first installment of planned bi-yearly system releases. More interestingly, it was the first Mac OS release that didn't work on …(read more)